City of Cottonwood Administrative Services General Manager Rudy Rodriguez admits it: The budget is not the sexiest topic in the world. Making matters worse,...
Owned by Cottonwoodbased Kestrel Aviation, the Wild Sky Aircraft’s Goat is a combination of hang glider, fan-powered go-kart and all-terrain vehicle. The 80-horse-power engine...
The first thing you probably notice about the city of Cottonwood Riverfront Water Reclamation Facility is its appearance: It looks less like a wastewater...
Though Salt River Materials Group owns approximately 3,000 acres of the Mingus Mountain foothills for its Clarkdale Cement Plant operation, it’s the facility’s control...
Looking Good Cottonwood has had a banner year. According to Trevor Faust, supervisor of the Cottonwood Recreation Center Fitness Center, 260 community members registered...