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Cottonwood News

Debbie Wilden Chosen as Cottonwood Vice Mayor

Cottonwood City Councilwoman Debbie Wilden was elected vice mayor of Cottonwood at the Jan. 3 city council meeting, effective from Jan. 4.  Mayor Tim Elinski...

Cornville Animal Rescue In Need of Food Donations

Little Orphans Animal Rescue in Cornville is facing the effects of the rising cost of animal food.  The shelter was officially recognized as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization...

Arizona Community Foundation of Sedona awards grants to 52 Verde Valley charities

The Arizona Community Foundation of Sedona held its grant award ceremony at the Verde Valley Campus of Yavapai College on Dec. 9, awarding over...

Burglar caught on video stealing thousands in cash from Cottonwood home

In the early morning of Saturday, Dec. 17, a masked person entered a home through an unlocked door in Cottonwood. This person was unknown...

Verde Valley Homeless Coalition breaks ground for transitional housing

The Verde Valley Homeless Coalition broke ground for their new tran­sitional housing develop­ment site on Nov. 22. This new structure, named the Friendship House, will...

Nurse Practitioner Amber Bahm awarded for rural care

Nurse Practitioner Amber Bahm of the Community Health Center of Yavapai was awarded the 2022 Community Star Award for excellence in rural health care. A...

Four teachers in Camp Verde, Cottonwood and Clarkdale benefit from $2,500 grants

Six Yavapai County teachers received grants through the Fiesta Bowl Charities Wishes for Teachers program, four of whom teach in Cottonwood, Camp Verde and...

Clemenceau Place zone change withdrawn by developer

Cottonwood’s Nov. 15 regular city council meeting focused primarily on the use of funds provided by the Community Development Block Grant Program. CDBG provides funding...

2022 General Election results

General Election results from Yavapai County, Coconino County and the state of Arizona, as of 9:42 a.m. on Friday, Nov. 11. These numbers are...

Larson Newspapers take home 17 state awards

At the 2021 Arizona Newspapers Association’s awards ceremony, held on Thursday, Oct. 6, Larson Newspapers won a total of 17 journalism awards. The Camp Verde...

Artists haunt Spook Hall

Jerome’s historic “Spook” Hall, officially the Richard Lawrence Memorial Hall, was transformed into “Spook Hallows Playground — a gallery of haunting imaginative works” by...

3 running for MUHSD board

Three candidates are running for two 4-year seats on the Mingus Union High School District Governing Board. An additional 2-year seat is open after...

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Kyle Larson