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Cottonwood News

Elinski & Douglass discuss city’s plans & goals

Cottonwood Mayor Tim Elinski and City Manager Scotty Douglass provided an update on the city of Cottonwood’s goals during the Mingus Mountain Republican Club...

Humane society impounds officials

The Verde Valley Humane Society hosted its “In the Dog House” fundraiser on Friday, June 9, to kick off its 40-year anniversary celebrations and...

City promotes beautification

The Cottonwood City Council presented the City Beautification Recognition Award to Firecreek Coffee Company during its May 6 meeting.  The community development department implemented the...

Cottonwood astronomy program set for June 30

The Astronomers of the Verde Valley will be partnering with the city of Cottonwood’s Community Development Department to host the Old Town Star Party...

Mingus board rejects bond election

The Mingus Union High School District Governing Board voted 3-2 against holding a capital bond election during its June 8 meeting.  Beginning in November 2022,...

Donating bicycles to veterans

Kevin Gertz, a specialist for the Disabled Veterans Outreach Program, has been salvaging abandoned bicycles from Luke Air Force Base and redistributing them to...

Library program aims to get teens outdoors

The Cottonwood Public Library will be offering outdoor adventures to teenagers over the summer through its Get Out program.  The library’s youth services department has...

Jerome hosts inaugural Music & Arts Festival June 10 & 11

The inaugural Jerome Music and Arts Festival with free admission will take place throughout the town on Saturday, June 10, and Sunday, June 11. The...

Northern Arizona Healthcare’s new CEO Cheney to begin on June 12 as Tinkle placed on leave

Northern Arizona Healthcare’s Board of Directors announced June 5 that incoming CEO David Cheney advanced his start date and will begin as CEO Monday,...

VVS & library host kids summer reading

The Verde Valley Sanctuary’s Youth Empowerment Services program and the Cottonwood Public Library are partnering to provide a summer reading program for kids ages...

Palosaari chosen for Cottonwood city council

Derek Palosaari was unanimously appointed as the Cottonwood City Council’s new member on May 22.  Palosaari is filling the seat of former Councilwoman Tosca Henry...

Cottonwood’s new City Manager shares goals

Cottonwood’s new city manager, Scotty Douglass, started on May 15, replacing interim City Manager Rudy Rodriguez, the current deputy city manager.  Douglass said that familiarization...

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