Call him Mr. National Night Out. Jim Iocovacci, Cornville resident, retired police officer from Flint, Mich., and coordinator of the Cottonwood National Night Out...
The Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office has responded to a rise in the illegal use of prescription drugs and prescription drug resale with a multiagency...
Robert Cartia, CEO of the Verde Valley Guidance Clinic, received the 2012 Leadership in Services Award, given during the eighth annual Arizona Behavioral Health...
At a regular meeting July 17, Cottonwood City Council directed staff to look into alternatives to a current grant-based taxi voucher program which provides...
Contaminants in the state’s drinking water are a concern, according to the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality. The problem is finding out just how...
Cottonwood city staff has been working together to make code enforcement more efficient and friendly over the past several months, taking a more active,...
Mingus Union High School drafting and shop teacher Duane Badger retired July 1, after taking four students to the national SkillsUSA competition, where a...
Cottonwood photographer Jeff Colburn has published an e-book of photographs and history of Jerome. Called “The Vanishing Old West — Jerome,” the 75-page book...