45.8 F

Clarkdale News

Clarkdale pool opens May 30

Starting Monday, May 30, Clarkdale residents can splash and play under the summer sun at Clarkdale Pool again thanks to generous donations from more...

Grand Hotel asks town to pay fees

Attorneys for Jerome Grand Hotel asked Yavapai Superior Court Judge Tina Ainley to order the town of Jerome to pay hotel owners more than...

Clarkdale police chief recovers from aneurysm

Clarkdale Police Chief Pat Haynie was sprinting up a hill, pushing himself June 8 following a long distance run with Clarkdale Police Academy Explorers,...

Weed growers get fair shake

Medical marijuana dispensaries, home-grow operations and cultivating caregivers operate legal businesses and should be treated the same as any other Clarkdale commercial enterprise, Clarkdale...

Former Clarkdale top cop and town manager Pat Spence dies

Pat Spence, 66, the Clarkdale town manager and police chief who worked to improve roads, preserve parks, and protect the people he served, died...

Town & church finish sewer line

A water and sewer project built jointly by the town of Clarkdale and a local church officially finished Tuesday, Dec. 14, when Town Council...

ADOT unveils Clarkdale road upgrades

The Arizona Department of Transportation rolled out a list of suggested road construction and upgrades for Clarkdale on Thursday, Dec. 9, mostly a wish...

1918 flu victims haunt Clarkdale

Scrawled on one dark wall of a decrepit, abandoned schoolhouse in Clarkdale is the message, “It was green when it came out of us.”...

Clarkdale designates flood zones

Clarkdale recently designated flood hazard areas, signed an agreement with Yavapai County Flood Control District worth $100,000 and moved ahead with new ordinances governing...

Master Moose meets members

Members of Verde Valley Moose Lodge 1449 rolled out the red carpet for Supreme Gov. George W. McCullough III, top elected leader of the...

Arson suspected in Clark Mansion blaze

Clark Mansion stood in ruins after an early morning fire destroyed the historic building Friday, June 25. Arson is suspected, Clarkdale Fire District Fire...

Clarkdale caps its $10.4M budget

Clarkdale expects to spend $10.4 million in 2010-11, a slight decrease from the previous year, but will be able to maintain services at current...

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