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Shop local for the holidays and keep our economy strong

With Thanksgiving coming late this year, we have less time to shop for holiday gifts. Christmas comes nearly a week sooner due to the...

Invite neighbors to join your family for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is more than a celebration of friends and family. It’s an opportunity to welcome in both our neighbors and passing strangers to share...

Crime story proves value of sharing newspaper articles

A newspaper is more than just a record of past and upcoming community events, a collection of stories on local personalities and summaries of...

Letters to the editor show community is active and involved

We love getting letters to the editor. Nowadays the “letter” is actually an email, but when residents tell us their thoughts on an issue,...

Honor America’s military personnel on Veterans Day

Monday, Nov. 11, is Veterans Day. The United States’ memorial holiday of Veterans Day is also known as Remembrance Day or Armistice Day in...

Communities must do what it takes to fight breast cancer

Cancer affects us all. Few of us can say we don’t know someone in our family or close circle of friends who has not...

Arizona shouldn’t have to pay federal bills to open parks

Late last week, U.S. Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell and Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer negotiated a deal to reopen Grand Canyon National Park...

Federal shutdown is devastating for Arizona’s future

Last week, our country’s leaders did the unreasonable: Through their refusal to negotiate or compromise over policy, the federal government shut down. Federal workers...

Not all ‘news’ on social media sites proves to be true

The Verde Valley is a small place, and word travels fast. News of a rollover accident on Interstate 17 or a head-on collision on...

Become a CASA to help a child find a good, loving home

It should be easy to be a child. But most of us can attest that tragedies come at any age, and only a small...

The Constitution has power because people still believe

Tuesday, Sept. 17, is Constitution Day. After 11 years under the Articles of Confederation, which saw several states argue and two almost go to...

Honor the victims 12 years after the terror of Sept. 11

A quiet Tuesday morning in September 12 years ago started out like any other. Americans went to work at stores, restaurants, factories and...

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Kyle Larson