49.8 F

Mark Lineberger

Town reconsiders use of A-frames

A-frame signs have never been allowed under Camp Verde’s town codes. Nevertheless, they were allowed through an agreement with the town when Highway 260...

Housing advisors back in business

With a 4-1 vote, the Camp Verde Town Council voted last week to reinstate the town’s Housing Commission. The commission was set to be...

Fort Verde park won’t close yet

Fort Verde has avoided the chopping block — at least for now. The historic Camp Verde landmark was one of eight state parks recommended...

SAFER grant allows for three more good firefighters

When it comes down to a real emergency, firefighters are often the first line of protection and defense. In Camp Verde, that line is...

German gives CV a choice

Just under the wire, one last person is throwing their name into the hat for a seat on the Camp Verde Town Council. Carol...

Relay For Life holds first meet

For its inaugural year, Camp Verde’s Relay For Life was a success, raising more than $17,000 for the American Cancer Society to help one...

Around the Valley

Hi! I'm

Mariah Johnson

Aenean vel pulvinar lorem, id sodales est. Phasellus a molestie dui. Maecenas consequat vehicula erat in porttitor. Quisque at varius nulla, in congue eros. Nulla a finibus dolor. Integer lorem elit, vestibulum imperdiet justo cursus, tincidunt cursus tellus. Etiam sed efficitur mauris, eu pharetra tellus. Donec volutpat purus tortor, eget fringilla ipsum convallis et.

Pellentesque et felis ut nisi dapibus tempor. Curabitur efficitur nisl nunc. Nunc feugiat mi tellus, a feugiat enim consequat ac. Donec vel justo vel sem rhoncus tristique a quis lorem.

Mariah Johnson

Kyle Larson