49.9 F

Mark Lineberger

Town council to consider liquor resolution, commissions

The Camp Verde Town Council will once again consider liquor issues at this month’s first regular meeting, 6:30 p.m., Wednesday, July 1, in Room...

State audits town’s books

The Arizona State Board of Accountancy, the agency which oversees financial accounting in the state, has voted to formally investigate the Town of Camp...

Sewer district enjoys quiet contentment

The Camp Verde Sanitary District has come a long way since this time a year ago. District Chairman Gregg Freeman summed it up at...

CV pool likely to stay open all summer

The Camp Verde town pool will stay open until Labor Day if the Town Council approves its new budget for the 2009-10 fiscal year....

Council sharpens ax for budget

It’s budget season in Camp Verde, and it’s forcing the Town Council to make some extremely difficult decisions. The town depends on sales tax...

Candidates diverge on land

In a few short weeks Camp Verde will either return incumbent Mayor Tony Gioia to office or elect challenger and member of the town’s...

Around the Valley

Hi! I'm

Mariah Johnson

Aenean vel pulvinar lorem, id sodales est. Phasellus a molestie dui. Maecenas consequat vehicula erat in porttitor. Quisque at varius nulla, in congue eros. Nulla a finibus dolor. Integer lorem elit, vestibulum imperdiet justo cursus, tincidunt cursus tellus. Etiam sed efficitur mauris, eu pharetra tellus. Donec volutpat purus tortor, eget fringilla ipsum convallis et.

Pellentesque et felis ut nisi dapibus tempor. Curabitur efficitur nisl nunc. Nunc feugiat mi tellus, a feugiat enim consequat ac. Donec vel justo vel sem rhoncus tristique a quis lorem.

Mariah Johnson

Kyle Larson