45.5 F

Jon Hecht

No evidence of ‘out-of-town looters’ coming to Verde Valley

With protests, sometimes violent, spreading around the country and harsh police crackdowns in response, the whole nation is on high alert. On Sunday, May...

Mingus consolidation heads to likely vote

In February, the Committee for Better Upper Verde Valley Schools began a petition drive to get a consolidation push between the Cottonwood-Oak Creek School...

Restaurants face challenges despite reopening

On May 11, after nearly two months of corona- virus-induced shutdowns by governors, restaurants in Arizona were allowed to return to dining in, with...

Camp returns, with COVID-19 precautions

Starting June 8, Camp Verde Parks & Recreation will host its third Summer Day Camp season. Like everything else in 2020, the camp’s operations...

Crime rate remained low during shutdown

With two months of social distancing reaching a point of lessened severity, the Verde Valley is experiencing an end of an unusual period in...

VVMC resumes elective surgeries, aims for normalcy

After a blitz in coronavirus testing led to a commensurate increase in reported cases of the deadly virus in the Verde Valley, the area...

Around the Valley

Hi! I'm

Mariah Johnson

Aenean vel pulvinar lorem, id sodales est. Phasellus a molestie dui. Maecenas consequat vehicula erat in porttitor. Quisque at varius nulla, in congue eros. Nulla a finibus dolor. Integer lorem elit, vestibulum imperdiet justo cursus, tincidunt cursus tellus. Etiam sed efficitur mauris, eu pharetra tellus. Donec volutpat purus tortor, eget fringilla ipsum convallis et.

Pellentesque et felis ut nisi dapibus tempor. Curabitur efficitur nisl nunc. Nunc feugiat mi tellus, a feugiat enim consequat ac. Donec vel justo vel sem rhoncus tristique a quis lorem.

Mariah Johnson

Kyle Larson