66.4 F

Jon Hecht

School closures return as virus spreads

The spread of the novel coronavirus in the Verde Valley continued to grow after the Thanksgiving holidays, with a record high of 518 new...

Kids learn and play at Science Vortex

Eight-year-old Landon ran into the Science Vortex, a room in a repurposed building of the old Cottonwood Elementary School campus, excited to be allowed...

COCSD buses return, with changes

After announcing on Monday, Nov. 30 that the district’s bus services would be shut down for the immediate future due to staffing shortages, the...

County nullifies Verde Connect decision; leaves to next board

The Yavapai County Board of Supervisors voted Wednesday, Dec. 2, to keep the Verde Connect project seemingly alive and undoing a decision made last...

Weed is legal in Arizona, but you can’t buy it at retail stores yet

On Nov. 3, voters in the state of Arizona approved Proposition 207 by more than 20 percentage points, legalizing the recreational use of marijuana...

COVID spurs new closures

The increase in new COVID-19 cases has led to some local governments ordering partial shutdowns, though they have so far been far more minor...

Around the Valley

Hi! I'm

Mariah Johnson

Aenean vel pulvinar lorem, id sodales est. Phasellus a molestie dui. Maecenas consequat vehicula erat in porttitor. Quisque at varius nulla, in congue eros. Nulla a finibus dolor. Integer lorem elit, vestibulum imperdiet justo cursus, tincidunt cursus tellus. Etiam sed efficitur mauris, eu pharetra tellus. Donec volutpat purus tortor, eget fringilla ipsum convallis et.

Pellentesque et felis ut nisi dapibus tempor. Curabitur efficitur nisl nunc. Nunc feugiat mi tellus, a feugiat enim consequat ac. Donec vel justo vel sem rhoncus tristique a quis lorem.

Mariah Johnson

Kyle Larson