63.1 F

Obituaries Submission


  • Death notices are published as a free service for our community. Death notices have a limit of 80 words. The purpose of a death notice is to inform the community of the death of a resident and to inform those interested in upcoming services.
  • An obituary is a tribute to or keepsake of the deceased. As these are usually written by family and friends who knew the deceased, we recommend that people contact our advertising department for obituaries. For obituary, to include a photo, etc., call 928-282-7795, ext. 124.


Paid, no word limit, photo if provided

An obituary is a tribute to or keepsake of the deceased. As these are usually written by family and friends who knew the deceased, we recommend that people contact our advertising department for paid obituaries. To place a paid obituary, which can include a photo, stylized font, any preferred wording you choose, etc., call our Advertising Department at 928-282-7795 ext. 124.

The best digital format for obituaries photos is a jpg, jpeg or tiff file. If sent separately, please indicate on the obituary that there is a separate photo and include the name of the deceased in the subject line of the photo e-mail.

Death Notice:

Free, 80 words or less, no photo

Death notices are published as a free service for our community. Death notices have a limit of 80 words. The purpose of a death notice is to inform the community of the death of a resident and to inform those interested in upcoming services. These are free, written in a uniform style (see below) and do not include photos.

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Even if you buy a paid obituary, we will run a free, 80-word death notice at no charge.

  • The deadline for death notices in the Wednesday issue of The Camp Verde Journal is Wednesday at 5 p.m. Submissions made after deadline cannot be considered for publication in that issue.
  • The deadline for death notices in the Wednesday issue of the Cottonwood Journal Extra is Friday at 5 p.m. Submissions made after deadline cannot be considered for publication in that issue.
  • Deadlines for death notices in the Sedona Red Rock News is Friday at 5 p.m., for the Wednesday issue and Tuesday at 5 p.m., for the Friday issue. Submissions made after deadline cannot be considered for publication in that issue.
  • Send death notices by e-mail to typeset@larsonnewspapers.com. Publication date can not be guaranteed.
  • Please include death date, city of residence, a list of survivors, services, and where to send donations.
  • Make clear the decedent’s connection to the Verde Valley, i.e., resident or former resident of a Verde Valley community. Obituaries without a connection will not be published.
  • The best digital format for obituaries photos is a jpg, jpeg or tiff file. If sent separately, please indicate on the obituary that there is a separate photo and include the name of the deceased in the subject line of the photo e-mail.
  • We will edit all death notices to conform to our house style and 80-word limit.

This is Larson Newspapers house style for death notices. Due to space, all death notices are 80 words are less. For a longer obituary, call 928-282-7795 ext. 124.

First M. Last

Day of birth: Month, Date, Year – Day of death: Month, Date, Year

First Middle Last, age, of city, died Day, Month, Date.

Last was preceded in death by spouse; children; siblings; parents; etc.; and is survived by spouse, of City, St.; son(s) [and wives], of City, State, daughter(s) [and husbands], of City, State; parent(s) [and spouses], of City, State; sibling(s) [and spouses], of City, State; and # of grandchildren, # of great-grandchildren, and # of great-great-grandchildren.

A memorial service/viewing/wake/funeral Mass will take place Day, Month, Date, time, location. Inturment/inurnment/burial takes place at Day, Month, Date, time, location.

Send donations to charity, address.

Kyle Larson

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