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Athlete Q&A: Dakota Battise


Click here to read the latest Athlete Q&A, this week with Camp Verde junior Dakota Battise.


Sports Battise QA 2 21 18 2 21 18

Dakota Battise
Junior Infielder/Pitcher

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Where are you from?
Camp Verde.

What sports do you play?
Just baseball.

What is your favorite part?

What’s your favorite food?

If you could live anywhere where would live?

Hunt and fish all the time.

Dream job?
Be a professional baseball player.

Favorite class in school?

Favorite vacation you’ve gone on?
Don’t have one.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
Strength, I guess.

What do you do in your free time?
Baseball and hunt.

What do you like to hunt?
Deer and elk.

Do you have any pregame routines or superstitions?
Describe your coach in one word.

What makes a good teammate?
Just being loyal.

What are the benefits of playing high school sports?
It’s tougher, a better challenge than middle school or anything like that.

What are your individual goals for this season?
Get as many strikeouts as I can and as many runs as I can.

Daniel Hargis

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