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Nuptials prompt Tighe’s exit


Come Thursday, June 30, the Verde Valley will lose one of its most visible educators: Mingus Union High School District Superintendent Paul Tighe.

During a special meeting April 5, the MUHSD Governing Board voted to release Tighe from his employment contract, at the same time directing him to begin the search for a new superintendent.

According to a press release from Tighe, the board also “requested he draft a proposal to serve the district in a consulting capacity to help with the leadership transition after his employment contract terminates.”

Tighe cited personal reasons for requesting to be released from his contract and stated that it would be difficult for him to leave MUHS. “We are blessed with a great staff, great students and excellent leadership from the governing board in an outstanding community.”

On April 13, MUHS Executive Assistant to the Superintendent Brandi Bateman said that Tighe is getting married soon and will be moving to Phoenix. She added that, in her opinion, he had not publicly announced his reasons for leaving in order not to detract from the search for a new superintendent.

“But he told all of the staff here,” Bateman said. “It’s no secret.”

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“It has been an honor to serve as Mingus’ superintendent for the past three years and I will miss it,” Tighe stated by email. “I am very proud of the progress we have made, including great student success as reflected in the Arizona Educational Foundation’s recognition of Mingus with the A+ School of Excellence Award and U.S. News & World Report’s Bronze Awards.”

According to Tighe, both awards prove that MUHS is ranked in the top 27 percent of all high schools in the nation.

The superintendent position has been posted and application information is available at the district’s website. Applications are due Friday,  May 6.

“Paul has been great to work with,” stated Cottonwood-Oak Creek School District Superintendent Barbara U’Ren. “I will miss him. He was good for MUHSD and good for the community. It is a vacuum and transitions like this are difficult for the district and the community. COCSD always has an open door, willing to work with our neighboring districts when it is requested.”

Paul Tighe’s Departure
Last week saw Mingus Union High School District Superintendent Paul Tighe’s resignation for personal reasons. Sedona-Oak Creek School District Superintendent David Lykins stated, “Dr. Tighe has been a valuable asset to the Verde Valley and especially for MUHSD, and his departure will create a void that needs to be filled. MUHSD will definitely spend the necessary time it takes to select the best leader moving forward. I am confident the governing board will handle this opportunity with professionalism and undoubtedly will find the best fit for their learning community.”

Zachary Jernigan

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