78.7 F

General Plan to be ready by 2016


Arizona law requires that Camp Verde come up with a new general plan every 10 years.

The plan guides the direction the town would like to move in over the next decade.

The Camp Verde Planning and Zoning Commission has been working on updating the general plan over the past year and a half, said B.J. Davis, planning commission chairman.

The commission has depended on a subcommittee made up of residents to help guide the process.

Davis said that input was obtained from other residents during a series of community meetings.

A few members of the planning and zoning commission were on hand at Town Hall Sept. 18 to update the Camp Verde Town Council on the process.

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The Town Council will have to sign off on the proposed general plan before it goes to the voters for approval.

Davis said that he expected the commission to return the general plan to the Town Council in January with a period of around 60 days to be reviewed by elected leaders and the public.

Mayor Charlie German said  he would like to see even more input from other groups around town, including local clubs like the Kiwanis.

“The churches want to be a part of this process too,” he said.

To read the full story, see the Wednesday, Sept. 23, edition of The Camp Verde Journal.

Mark Lineberger

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