99.5 F

Still Fire firing operations paused


Smoke will linger despite a pause on Highway 87-adjacent firing operations on the Still Fire, a lightning-caused wildfire located 4 miles northeast of the Highway 87 and Lake Mary Road junction.

Smoke will remain noticeable along Highway 87, in the Blue Ridge communities, the Little Springs area, and possibly in the Camp Verde, Cottonwood, Pine, Strawberry and Payson areas.

Smoke will settle into low-lying areas overnight.

Driving conditions in the fire area may remain hazardous, and possible intermittent closures may be implemented along area roads, including Highway 87, for public safety. 

Fire managers anticipate Forest Road (FR) 95 will remain open at this time, although FR 751 may close should aerial operations resume.

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Motorists are reminded to check the Arizona Department of Transportation website for information regarding state road closures and to check the Coconino National Forest website for forest road information. Recreationists are asked to refer to the fire area closure order and to abide by all posted signage and barriers.

Containment for the Still Fire is at 30 percent.

The Still Fire is being managed to reduce hazardous fuels and improve forest health as guided by Forest Service’s 10-year Wildfire Crisis Strategy.

Firing operations along Highway 87 may resume early next week should wind and weather conditions allow. Crews plan to spend today and this weekend conducting small firing operations within the internal fire perimeter, as well as holding existing fire lines and preparing for the possibility of Monday firing operations along Highway 87.

Firing operations remove hazardous fuels – such as downed trees and dead pine needle accumulation – from the forest floor. Firing operations occur during times of manageable winds and lower temperatures where low-intensity fire can safely remove those fuels prior to seasons of critical fire weather, where high winds, heavy drought and hot temperatures can lead to uncontrollable high-intensity wildfires.

Current resources assigned to the Type 3 Still Fire include one Hotshot crew, one hand crew, eight engines, one dozer, one helicopter and miscellaneous overhead. 

Forest visitors are asked to remain cognizant of firefighting operations.

There are no structures threatened by the Still Fire, which was first reported Sept. 14.

Area residents and Mogollon Rim Ranger District visitors can visit InciWeb for updates regarding the Still Fire.

Information about smoke and is available at fire.airnow.gov.

For additional information please contact the Coconino National Forest Supervisor’s Office at 928-527-3600 (staffed 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday excluding federal holidays) or the Still Fire public information team at 2023.still@firenet.gov.

The MRRD’s Blue Ridge Ranger Station will be closed Friday due to smoke . It is expected that the station will reopen Tuesday following the holiday weekend.

Staff Reporter

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