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Journal Extra turns 25 years


It’s important to be able to have a place for local news and information in your town, and for 25 years the people of Cottonwood have needed to look no further than the Cottonwood Journal Extra to bring them the coverage they can use to stay abreast of local happenings.

On Sept. 9, 1988, Larson Newspapers added a new publication to its family of Verde Valley-based print media offerings with the debut of the Cottonwood Journal Extra.

For 25 years, the Cottonwood Journal Extra has served the people of Cottonwood, Clarkdale and Verde Village as the source to keep residents connected to the goings-on in their own community.

“It seems unreal that the Cottonwood Journal Extra is now 25 years old,” Publisher Robert B. Larson said. “It seems like we launched this newspaper just the other day.”

Just like fellow Larson Newspapers publications The Camp Verde Journal and the Sedona Red Rock News, the Extra has brought readers a combination of breaking news specific to the community, alongside local sports and in-depth profiles of the people who make Verde Valley the unique place it is.

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Readers can learn about the student athletes making big plays at the Mingus Union High School football game, the interesting hobbies of the lady living down the street, upcoming local events or the organization that is making a difference by helping out their fellow neighbors.

The Extra also acts as a means for the residents of the Verde Valley to let their voices be heard, thanks to sections like Letters to the Editor, Guest Perspectives, and People on the Street, so it’s never a one-sided discussion.

“One thing about being a family newspaper is that we will bring our readers the news they can use,” Larson said. “We don’t get dictated to from some corporate office down the road.”

The Cottonwood Journal Extra staff of the newspaper continues to bring awards home from the annual Arizona Newspapers Association’s Better Newspapers Contest. The Extra has won recognition in several areas including general excellence, feature writing and photography, as well as individual awards earned by staff members.

“We are so proud of the employees that bring the paper to our readers week in and week out,” Larson said.

The Cottonwood Journal Extra boasts a wide readership with a circulation of more than 9,000, reaching more than an estimated 19,000 individual readers.

“Again, I thank the community for allowing us to come into their homes and for providing us with their input,” Larson said.

The Cottonwood Journal Extra office is located at 830 S. Main St. in Cottonwood. To contact the newspaper with a news item, a tip or an interesting story, a classified ad or a business advertisement, call 634-8551.

Corwin Gibson

Corwin Scott Gibson is feature writer, artist, educator, and consumer of garbage culture in western Colorado. He received his MA in creative writing at Northern Arizona University, where he also ran a short-lived, mostly illicit B-movie night and provided color commentary for the local pro wrestling organization. He has been published in fanzines like "The Atomic Elbow," "Pro Wrestling Feelings" and the revival of "Kill You Last."

Corwin Gibson
Corwin Gibson
Corwin Scott Gibson is feature writer, artist, educator, and consumer of garbage culture in western Colorado. He received his MA in creative writing at Northern Arizona University, where he also ran a short-lived, mostly illicit B-movie night and provided color commentary for the local pro wrestling organization. He has been published in fanzines like "The Atomic Elbow," "Pro Wrestling Feelings" and the revival of "Kill You Last."

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