Wiley Cline, John Hughes, Dee Jenkins, Thomas Thurman and Anthony James Utz have filed letters of interest in being appointed to the Yavapai County Board of Supervisors for District 2, succeeding former Supervisor James Gregory [R], who announced his resignation on Jan. 29 after accepting the role of chief of police in Williams.
A candidate must be at least 18 years old, a resident of District 2 in Yavapai County, registered to vote in Yavapai County, a registered Republican and able to read and write in English.
“I first ran for supervisor in 2020,” wrote Cline, who challenged Gregory in the 2024 Republican primary. “I again ran in the July 2024 primary in which I received 41.2% of the cast ballots. Having said that, I will absolutely, if appointed, run in the 2026 primary and hopefully the general as well.”
Cline added that he is an ordained minister, a fifth-generation Arizona native, a retired law enforcement officer with 12 years of service and a resident of Cornville for 24 years.
“As the former mayor of the town of Dewey-Humboldt and previous councilman for eight years, it was a privilege and an honor to serve my constituents and work together to better our community,” Hughes wrote. “As a resident of Yavapai County for 47 years, I would be a valuable asset to the team of Board of Supervisors with my hands-on experience and unique skills of being knowledgeable in ranching, agriculture, construction, communications and business.”
Jenkins is the current mayor of Camp Verde and won reelection last year with 55.48% of the vote; her letter of interest stated that she meets the requirements for the position.
“My experience for doing this job is extensive with my 16 years of service to our great county as supervisor of District 2,” wrote Thurman, who formerly held the seat. “I already know most of the public and elected officials in District 2 and the county. I know the road system, community associations, etc. I have FEMA training for incident command and DEMA, especially due to the wildfire season coming up.”
Utz has been a Cornville resident since 1987 and a licensed contractor for over two decades.
“I bring with me over 47 years of managerial and business experience, during which I have gained valuable skills in leadership, problem-solving and govern ment processes,” Utz wrote. “I have had the opportunity to work directly with local, state, federal and military agencies on various initiatives, providing me with a clear understanding of how government functions at different levels. While managing my own business, I have also volunteered on the Mason Lane Ditch Board for the last eight years, growing my understanding and appreciation for water issues in District 2.”
Residents can submit comments regarding the candidates to clerkoftheboard.web@yavapaiaz. gov by the deadline of 5 p.m. on Friday, April 4.
“The appointed individual will serve until the winner of the Tuesday Nov. 3, 2026, general election takes office,” the Yavapai County website stated. “The elected individual may assume office within 90 days following the election’s official results. To serve the full term ending in December 2028, candidates must run in the 2026 primary and general elections.”
The Board of Supervisors will fill the seat during its Wednesday, April 16 meeting in Cottonwood