The Copper Canyon Fire & Medical District recently announced it is deeply in debt due to a $856,000 accounting error resulting from the merger of the Camp Verde Fire District and Montezuma-Rimrock Fire District, compounded by the construction of a $3.5 million Cherry Creek fire station.
At the district’s March 7 meeting, Chief Terry Keller announced he would depart in the next 90 days. “I have not submitted a formal letter of resignation to the CCFMD board, but rather have announced to them I would be retiring no later than June 15, 2023, which is within the terms of my employment contract,” Keller said. “Beyond this I have no further comment.”
At the March 16 meeting, the board also accepted Carol Keeton’s resignation. Keeton has served on the Montezuma-Rimrock board, the Copper Canyon Fire and Medical Authority board and the district’s board since 2006.
The board will announce the vacancy and request those interested to submit a resume and letter of interest.
The board also welcomed new firefighter Cody Aldridge. He began working full-time with the district in December 2022 but was sworn in by Chief Keller on March 15. Aldridge’s wife pinned his badge onto his uniform, a tradition welcoming him to the department and introducing him to his duties.