37.8 F

Sedona hires Camp Verde judge Paul Schlegel


Paul Schlegel, who has served as the presiding magistrate of the Town of Camp Verde and the Camp Verde Municipal Court since 2014, took the bench as Sedona’s new magistrate judge on Monday, Nov. 22. 

The Sedona City Council approved a two-year contract for Schlegel at its Oct. 26 meeting. He replaces Magistrate Judge Lisa Parsons, who stepped down in August to take a job with the Arizona Supreme Court’s Administrative Office of the Courts. 

Judge Ron Ramsey has served as interim presiding judge while the city conducted the hiring process. 

Schlegel has practiced law in Arizona for 21 years and has experience in family law, juvenile law, wills, trusts and estates, personal injury law and land­lord-tenant law, according to a statement from the city. 

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“On a personal note, he values community involvement and was active in coaching Little League and soccer, even being a member of the little league board,” the city added. 

Schlegel was one of two finalists for the position interviewed in executive session by council on Oct. 5. Cottonwood City Councilwoman Tosca Henry, a Cottonwood attorney, was the other finalist. 

The base salary in the contract is $125,000 per year. 

The Sedona Municipal Court is the judicial branch of Sedona city govern­ment and is also a part of the state of Arizona court system. The Sedona Municipal Court website lists the most common cases heard as: 

  • Misdemeanor Criminal Violations 
  • Criminal Traffic Offenses 
  • Civil Traffic Offenses 
  • Parking Violations 
  • City Code Violations [Criminal and Civil] 
  • Orders of Protection/Injunctions Against Harassment y email to sshumaker@larsonnewspapers.com
Scott Shumaker

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