56.7 F

Camp Verde Mayor Charles German touts regional relationships


Mayor Charles German is running for re-election as mayor against Vice Mayor Dee Jenkins.

What makes you qualified to serve as mayor?

I have served as mayor for the past seven years, bringing to the position experience from private, military, nonprofit, education and other administrative and financial training.

What makes Camp Verde great?

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Camp Verde is great because of its people, history and location. “The Center of it All” really captures the essence of this green emerald of historically kind, generous and energetic people working to build a community for their families in a wonderful location.

What would be different without you as mayor?

Camp Verde would not have the benefit of the relationships which I have developed over the many years with other citizens and leaders within the community and county. These relationships have been built with mutual friendship, respect and trust.

How will you help Camp Verde to recover from the coronavirus and resulting economic slump?

Work with council and the manager to evaluate information related to the health issues and the specifics of the economic issues and then determine the course of action needed in concert with the business community.

How do you hope to keep Camp Verde affordable to residents?

That is complex because price of land is not controlled by the town. Private ownership of housing drives the market prices and the demand by those in need.

The livability and desirability of a community is found within the planning, maintenance and commitment of its residents. Subsidized housing has had its place in Camp Verde but even those developments have reverted to open purchase thereby being subject to market demand and pricing.

One might say dilapidation is “affordable” but not “desirable.”

I would hope newer construction methods and materials would become available keeping costs down and careful consideration of various densities utilized.

Charles German Candidate Essay:

Let me share a vision of things important to Camp Verde and its future. Political stability is extremely important to residents living within a community. They look to government to be strong in its protecting its citizens, maintaining its streets, providing appropriate planning and preparation for new residents coming to live and establishing opportunities for businesses to open and operate. Recreational and cultural events, especially those which emphasize their historical nature and origin, are extremely important to the community.

The Town Council including the mayor works for the whole town and establishes policy as the need arises which is clear to the manager, staff and the citizens. Stability brings confidence to those wishing to relocate here either as a resident and/or as a business. It also encourages citizens to participate in various opportunities as volunteers including areas like the Planning and Zoning Commission, Board of Adjustments and Appeals or other local committees or commissions which may be utilized from time to time. Stability does not mean everyone agrees all of the time but it does mean open, honest and civil debate on the issues and then moving together with the decision made by the council.

Citizens also look for strong, quality schools and look to their school boards for that leadership. The Town Council should also have meaningful communication with the schools to work together on common areas to provide a true community approach to educational opportunities and activities.

The Verde River gives life to the communities located along its banks and its tributaries. Concerted planning efforts to develop best water usage and practices continue throughout the area. Camp Verde specifically is pursuing the purchase of a water company because without one, Camp Verde has no opportunity to make use of its rightful ownership of water rights by banking them in a water portfolio which is available through municipal ownership of a water company.

Ownership of a municipal water company gives greater voice to the community as to its own growth and preservation. It really becomes a community decision for additional water conservation, best practices and where additional infrastructure should be located and its impact upon the resources available. Municipal ownership of utilities means it is run as a business “without” the profit margin aspect of a privately owned water company. By law the municipality must operate on a fee structure which is without profit and provides for the actual costs of maintenance and operation including normal and emergency repairs.

The lack of inventory for housing, especially work force housing, has been an ongoing topic throughout the municipalities. There are discussions which include the possible creation of a regional housing authority in order to address regional housing needs. The important aspect of these discussions is the level of professionalism and leadership at the municipal level and a willingness of councils to continue staff discussions and planning for solutions.

The term “affordable” is actually based on income of the person looking for housing. In a community of high-end housing with little or no inventory, it could be housing is not affordable to an attorney earning a six figure income. One could conclude it would be out of the question for perhaps entry level jobs in the service industry.

Camp Verde is faced with having to deal with a growing maintenance demand. There is a delicate balance to be achieved between growth, which requires revenues to maintain, and growth which provides revenues to maintain. It is essential for maintenance of our streets which requires revenues to accomplish.

Council has adopted a street maintenance plan which takes six to seven  years to complete depending on whether there are enough revenues to accomplish more than one area in a year. It is possible to achieve by remaining true to planning and growing within your means.

Finally, the strength and health of a community is based upon the jobs provided by the businesses. That strength and health is very often determined by the leadership provided by the business community.

Strong communication between the business community and the town is essential to a healthy and thriving community. Coordination between Economic Development Department and the town’s businesses is critical in the recruitment of new businesses to fulfill the needs of a community which travels to other areas to purchase products they need. It is ideal when a municipality can entice manufacturing businesses to locate within its incorporated boundaries. This provides higher paying jobs and brings strength and vitality to the entire community.

Jon Hecht

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