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Coach Chavez takes quiet focused approach to volleyball


The Cottonwood Journal had a chance to talk with Mingus PE teacher and volleyball coach Chavez about volleyball and her interests outside of school.



Chavez is in her third year as the volleyball coach and expects the team to consistently improve under her tenure.

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In the three years you have coached at Mingus, how would you say the volleyball program has changed?


Our winning has gone up, it takes a long time to develop a winning program but it has definitely changed since I started. It is just moving slower than I had wanted to.


What is your vision for the volleyball team?


My vision is first in our conference,and to make it to state.


What is your favorite thing about coaching?


My favorite part is being able to coach girls that love to play the game and being able to give them my knowledge. Hopefully the players can use some of it and help them become better student-athletes beyond just high school.


What has been your moment this season?


There have been a lot of great moments so it is hard to narrow it down to one. I would have to pick the Chandler Prep tournament a couple of weekends ago as the highlight of my season. The girls were just playing well and ended up taking second place out of 32 teams in the division. Everyone was just working together and the girls were smiling and happy so that was pretty awesome. They got upset at the end but they did really that day.


What are your motivational tactics?


I am more of a quiet coach because I do not believe that yelling at the girls will help them in any way. I do get mad at them in certain instances but I tell them what they are doing right and what they are doing wrong in those scenarios. If you notice, I do not like calling timeouts because sometimes timeouts do not help at all or even make it worse in my opinion. So I am very quiet when it comes to coaching a game.


How important are academics to your team?


Very important. The girls have to have A’s or B’s and if they have C’s they are working on their homework instead of practicing. I asked that grades are A’s or B’s because not all of these girls are going to go on to play college volleyball. They can easily get academic scholarships for their grades no matter what school they go to.


Outside of sports and teaching, what do you like to do?


I like working out, hanging out with my family and sleeping because I am so busy!


Who is your favorite athlete


This is going to sound cliche but I would have to say Kerri Walsh Jennings the professional volleyball player.  Seeing her progress and become a mother and an Olympic gold medal winner was incredible. I have watched her since she played in college and she is what I aspired to be but I chose a different route. My favorite thing about her is her desire to win. Whether she has a setback or not, she will still get to where she wants to be.


What is your favorite part about teaching?


I get to change students’ lives. Whether they are having a good day or not, I can help influence them.


The Marauders next home match is Tuesday, October. 16. when the Marauders host Prescott High School.


Senior night for Mingus is Tuesday, October. 23. against Lee Williams.

Ivan Leonard

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