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Candidate Q&A: Robin Whatley believes town has come a long way


With the 2018 election in full swing, those vying for seats on the Camp Verde Town Council were asked a variety of questions pertaining to issues facing the town — both today and in the future.

Robin Whatley is running for re-election to her seat on the Town Council.

Q: What makes you qualified for a position on the Town Council?

I attended council meetings regularly for three years before becoming a council member. Consequently, I understood the important issues facing the council. From time to time, I would speak on issues that came before council, as well as reading council agendas. As a town, we have come a long way. At the beginning of my term in office, the Town of Camp Verde was going through an economic downturn — just staying afloat was all we could do. Recently, however, the town has been able to fund the amenities that Camp Verde needs for a better quality of life.

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Q: What makes Camp Verde great?

  • Camp Verde is great because of the Verde River.
  • The history: Fort Verde, the Yavapai Apache Nation,Montezuma Castle and other American Indian sites.
  • Our location: Wonderful weather, Out of Africa Park, etc.
  • And, of course, neighbors and friends.

Q: What is your greatest accomplishment in your time on Town Council?

My voice on council is one that wants to see Camp Verde continuing to move ahead. The Camp Verde Sports Complex must be built. Our children and grandchildren have waited too long for baseball and soccer fields.

Q: What will you do to keep Camp Verde affordable for its residents?

The town is a public entity, not a private one. Council cannot dictate housing costs or rental rates. We do not collect property taxes and there is no tax on groceries, unlike our neighbor to the west. Our only source of income is through sales tax. People pay sales tax according to how much they buy. Tourists also pay sales tax to the town every time they pull off Interstate 17 for gas and fast food.

Q: How do you hope to bring business to Camp Verde?

The expansion of sewer lines on State Route 260 will help to entice business to the area, as well as streamlining and updating our building codes regularly. The investment in the library and parks will show businesses that our town is a nice place to set up shop.

Jon Hecht

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