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Candidate Essay: Bill Tinnin


Editor’s Note This is the last of a series of Cottonwood City Council candidate essays prior to the election on Tuesday, Aug. 28.

Hi, my name is Bill Tinnin and I’m running for Cottonwood City Council.

I’ve been instructed that I can write up to 750 words. I can tell you now I’m going to have trouble with that, speaking is not my strong point. That being said I must warn you that I am not a politician, I liken that title to a four-letter word.

It has been my experience that professional politicians tend to run at the mouth, agreeing with both sides of an issue and not getting anything accomplished. We see it every day with the federal government, we’re even seeing it here, mudslinging and overall childish behavior.

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I must admit that I’m probably considered “old school.” I believe in our past presidents that weren’t afraid to be honest and even confrontational when necessary.

I believe in ideas like “Ask not what your country can do for but what you can do for your country.” That’s probably the main reason that I’m even considering this position — governments are supposed to be run “By the people, for the people.” Citizens must get involved with their communities. That’s how improvements are made, people that don’t try to make things better, have no grounds to gripe.

A little about my past; Flagstaff is my home town, I’ve actually lived in Cottonwood longer. I graduated high school in 1972 and joined the army, basic was held at Fort Ord, Calif., then was immediately sent to Fort Devens, Mass., for military intelligence training, spent my tour of duty in Berlin, Germany.

Got out of the military in 1976 and didn’t return to the United States until summer of 1980.

I’m a lifetime member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 7400 and am starting my fourth year as commander of the American Legion Post 25 here in Cottonwood.

I’ve also been on the Cottonwood Airport Commission since its inception.

Now I could say something about the issues facing the city of Cottonwood but I have learned that issues are in overabundance, they’re constantly cropping up and many are recurring, what are issues now will become issues again.

Decisions can only be determined based on the facts at hand and decided upon based on the needs of the community.

In my opinion, any candidate to comment on the present issues would be speaking out of turn, they’re a candidate, a citizen, make your points at the council chambers.

Jon Hecht

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