Athlete Q&A: Nikki Zielinski

Click here to read the latest Athlete Q&A, this week with Mingus Union High School senior Nikki Zielinski.

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Nikki Zielinski
Senior Shortstop

Where are you from?

What sports do you play?
I played volleyball, basketball and softball.

Which is your favorite?

I like being a part of a team. It’s a sport I’ve been playing my whole life.

When did you start playing?
I started playing in tee ball when I was about 6.

Which is your favorite sports team and/or athlete?
I’m a Boston Red Sox fan because my family lives back east.

Favorite pump up music right now?
My favorite song is “Eye of the Tiger.” That’s been my theme song the past four years.

Dream job?

Favorite class in school?

Describe your coach in one word.

Describe yourself in one word.

What makes a good teammate?
Someone who finds good in the bad and can push her players to the limit.

What are the benefits of playing high school sports?
You get to be around different girls than year-round sport, and you make a lot of new friends and you support your school.

What’s your most memorable sports moment so far?
Every moment is my favorite.

What are your future goals?
I want to graduate with my fire science and paramedic degree and hopefully get on at a station.

What are you looking forward to most after graduation?
Definitely going out of state for college — just meeting new people and being in a new environment.

Daniel Hargis

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