Athlete Q&A: Christopher Holdgrafer

Click here to read the latest Athlete Q&A, this week with Camp Verde High School junior Christopher Holdgrafer.

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Christopher Holdgrafer
Junior Hurdler/Jumper

Where are you from?
Originally I’m from Las Vegas.

When did you move here?
I moved here when I was 2.

What sports do you do?
Track is officially the first sport that I’ve done.

Why did you pick it?
Originally I wanted to get in shape for football, but I never did football afterwards because I enjoyed track too much.

What’s your favorite part about track?
My favorite part about track is probably winning, and the team.

Which is your favorite sports team or athlete?
I don’t really watch sports all that much, so I don’t have one.

Do you have any favorite pump up music?
No, I’ll sing before stuff.

What’s your dream job?
I want to be a culinary chef.

Favorite class in school?

Do you have any prerace routines or superstitions?
I just warm up for about half an hour before every race.

Describe your coach in one word.

Describe yourself in one word.
Also crazy.

What makes a good teammate?
Someone who’s there and someone who’s compassionate but isn’t trying to push you further than you need to go.

What are the benefits of playing high school sports?
It gives you something to do. It’s something to look forward to during the day.

Most memorable moment in your track career so far?
Winning second in state last year because I didn’t think I was going to [in the 110-meter high hurdles].

What are your future goals?
Going to a culinary institute, see if I can get a scholarship for track, things like that.

Daniel Hargis

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