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Deputies get promotions


By promoting longstanding officers to supervisor positions, Camp Verde Marshal’s Office is creating a leadership team based upon experience and community mindedness.

During the Camp Verde Town Council meeting Sept. 6, Brandon Collins received a sergeant badge and Tom Baizel received a corporal badge.

Both officers’ spouses pinned their badges on their uniforms.

“It is refreshing to see some of our more veteran officers want to become part of the leadership for the Marshal’s Office,” CVMO Marshal Nancy Gardner said. “Both Brandon and Tom have become an integral part of mentoring and leading the deputies with less time on than them.”

Collins has worked with CVMO since August 2006, beginning his career as a deputy. Serving as a Partners Against Narcotic Trafficking officer, he attended basic SWAT school. According to Gardner, Collins then achieved the rank of corporal in patrol.

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“Brandon is one of our high risk stop instructors and he is the field training supervisor,” Gardner said. “He has also attended several advanced classes in leadership and supervision prior to testing for the position.”

Collins was the only deputy who tested for the vacant sergeant position. Baizel has worked with CVMO since January 2007, beginning his patrol career as a deputy.  Sgt. Brandon Collins

Like Collins, Baizel served as a PANT officer and attended basic SWAT school. Baizel is CVMO’s bicycle officer and one of the firearms instructors. He was one of two deputies who tested for the corporal position.

“Both [Collins and Baizel] have provided input with our training program for deputies, fleet and policy,” Gardner said. “I look forward to the contribution each will bring to the Marshal’s Office as supervisors.”

Zachary Jernigan

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