Mingus boys finds identity

Mingus Union High School boys basketball coach Dave Beery wanted his team to find its identity by the end of the Sabino Capital Connect Holiday Basketball Tournament, played Dec. 27 to Dec. 29 at Sabino High School.

After taking second place with a 4-2 record, he believes they did.

“We did a good job of playing with energy and playing hard, something we struggled with some earlier,” Beery said.

The Marauders opened with a 67-64 loss to American Leadership Academy on Dec. 27 before rebounding for a 74-61 win over Canyon del Oro High School on Dec. 28, highlighted by 19 steals defensively.

“In the [loss to A.L.A.] we struggled to defend the post and did not finish the fourth quarter well,” Beery said.

Later that day they squeezed out a 58-56 win over host Sabino.

On Dec. 29, Mingus opened with a 62-61 quarterfinal win over Westwood High School, then a semifinal win over Buckeye Union High School by a score of 78-69.

The Marauders were tasked with playing the championship game against Sahauro High School directly after the semifinal, where Beery believes fatigue did play a factor, but was not decisive in the 63-48 loss.

“We didn’t defend or shoot well enough to win,” he said. “Sahauro played hard, outrebounded us and definitely appeared to be the best team there.”

Mingus faced off with the Coconino High School Panthers in a 4A Grand Canyon Section matchup, but results were not available at press time.

The Marauders next take the floor at 7 p.m., Friday, Jan. 6, at home in another sectional game against Flagstaff High School.

Daniel Hargis

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