99.5 F

Purse drive helps provide the basics


It’s easy to imagine help in the form of the basics: Shelter, food or medical intervention.

But, as Canadian national and part-time Rimrock resident Colleen Baldwin proves, items that we take for granted — items that are easy to dismiss as frivolous — have the power to change lives. As part of the grassroots Purses of Hope effort, last holiday season she began gathering and helping to distribute used purses, each filled with everyday essential items for women, throughout the Verde Valley.

“We collected and distributed 150 filled purses in December 2015 and another 35 filled purses in May 2016 to local organizations who help women in need,” Baldwin said. “They were overwhelmed by the generosity of the local community ….

It was such an easy thing to do that several neighbors would get together and make an evening of getting their purses filled and ready for us.”

Baldwin added that her goal began modestly. She would have been happy to distribute 25 purses.

After contacting Verde Valley Sanctuary, however, the number swelled to twice that. Once local charity group Christmas Caring got involved, the number of purses donated swelled beyond expectations.

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“In May 2016, I was once again back in Arizona, and distributed more purses to Sharon Manor of Flagstaff, a transitional housing program for homeless women who are survivors of domestic violence,” Baldwin said. “I received a note from Sharon Manor expressing their gratitude and telling me that one of the woman had gone for a job interview.

She picked a purse that matched her outfit and she got the job.

She said she was sure it was because of her new purse.

“Another young woman was going back to school and she found the right purse to fit her laptop …. This email was truly the highlight of my year.”

This holiday season, Baldwin has set herself the ambitious goal of gathering 200 purses. She said that organizations interested in receiving purses for distribution should contact her directly.

“Singleton Moms, a nonprofit organization providing hope and practical support to single Arizona parents struggling with cancer, is on our list for this year,” Baldwin added.

Baldwin encouraged anyone interested in collecting purses to contact her.

Starting early December, collectors will gather filled purses dropped off at The Verde Valley Olive Oil Traders in Old Town Cottonwood and Jim’s Trading Post in Rimrock.

Those interested in getting started early, however, should not be discouraged. Prior to Dec. 5, when the effort begins in earnest, charitable locals are urged to begin filling purses.

“It’s easier to go to one location for pick up than drive around to individual houses, but we will if necessary,” Baldwin said.

“A big shout out to the two retail drop off stores for generously promoting and storing purses until we get there for pick up.”

To contact Baldwin, email lilycards@mymts.net or call 592-9226 after Dec. 5.

Zachary Jernigan

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