53.5 F

Trunk or Treat ready for kids


Anyone who grew up trick-or-treating in tightly-packed Midwestern or Eastern U.S. neighborhoods can get homesick for the experience living in the Verde Valley.

There are options, however, to replace that feeling of walking up to a neighbor’s house and knocking on the door. For decades, local communities have stepped up their efforts to provide a safe, fun environment on Halloween, inviting families onto main thoroughfares to trick or treat.

Camp Verde offers its own twist on this regional classic, gathering families for an early evening tour along its storefronts in full Halloween garb, getting a free sugar high via the generosity of the town and local business owners.

Closing in on a decade old, the annual Halloween Trunk or Treat Main Street Festival takes place Monday, Oct. 31, from 5 to 7 p.m.

“Main Street will be closed down from the Circle K store to the Camp Verde Feed Store to allow for a safe environment for families to enjoy the activities,” stated Camp Verde Parks and Recreation Coordinator Shawna Figy. “Businesses and community groups go all out to decorate and make this a memorable event.”

According to Figy, Parks and Recreation makes every effort to make it easy for businesses and community groups to participate, providing candy purchased with funds allocated by the town each year.

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“The town of [Camp Verde] sets aside $2,000 of its own money each year,” Figy said, adding that this year the town received additional donations from along with Camp Verde Kiwanis and Ace Hardware. Thanks to Figy’s efforts, several new businesses are participating, meaning more candy for everyone.

Figy said not to worry about running out due to increased demand, however.

“This year, the town has 26 cases of candy, which, when combined with candy from businesses, groups and individuals, should satisfy any sweet cravings,” Figy said.

In addition to trick or treating, various groups will be providing passersby other entertainment, including haunted houses, musical entertainment, games and food.

South Verde High School, in particular, is hard at work on its haunted house.

Other participants include the Town Council, the Camp Verde Lions Club, Parkside Community Church and the National Park Service.

For more information, contact Figy at 554-0829.

Zachary Jernigan

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