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Capturing Hearts wins award


When you think of the location of world-class schools, it’s unlikely that Camp Verde comes quickly to mind — but CVMS Principal Danny Howe has some news that may make you reconsider your viewpoint.

“CVMS was the first school in the Verde Valley to implement Capturing Kids’ Hearts,” Howe said of a program meant to increase connectedness between students and teachers. “There are several schools in the valley now using or being trained in the process, but we led the way, and now we’ve been honored by being named a National Showcase School. There were over 600 schools across the country that were looked at. They narrowed it down to 20, and then to 11.”

Tanya Peterson, a representative with the Flippen Group, developer of the Capturing Kids’ Hearts program and the National Showcase award, stated that the process to earn the award took time and dedication. “Two years ago, CVMS began an initiative to transform the campus into an emotionally safe and relationally connected place for students, staff and parents to come alive with a love for learning.”

According to Peterson, Capturing Kids’ Hearts campuses across the country were considered for the award based on the following criteria:

n A nomination based on observation;
n A level of “implementation of Capturing Kids’ Hearts processes by all staff as measured by online surveys”; and
n Data demonstrating that Capturing Kids’ Hearts had made a “significant improvement in attendance, discipline, climate/culture” or academic achievement.

The Flippen Group conducted a site visit to each nominated campus in order to gather additional quantitative and qualitative data and to interview students, teachers, administrators and parents. Following the site visit, the selection team reviewed all gathered data and selected the campuses to receive the Capturing Kids’ Hearts Showcase Schools award.

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“Through the Showcase Schools award, Flippen Group recognizes and celebrates campuses that go the extra mile each day, building an environment where students and staff feel safe and connected,” Peterson added. “Flippen Group believes unsung heroes who produce exemplary outcomes in schools and pave the way for other schools to follow, need and deserve recognition for a job well done.

“They learned how to create a classroom environment where students are excited to enter and learn every day. As a result of implementing Capturing Kids’ Hearts, CVMS has enjoyed increased enrollment, a decrease in discipline referrals and higher achievement scores.”

Howe said that he is overjoyed to have his school honored this way, and that he hopes it will help focus people on the good things area schools are doing.

“When I took over as principal six years ago, I said that CVMS would be world famous,” Howe added. “People may not know who we are on the other side of the world, but we make a world-famous difference in the lives of everyone we come in contact with. Through the Capturing Kids’ Hearts process, Camp Verde Middle School is making that happen. I am blessed, fortunate and honored to be working with such an amazing group of men and women.”

Zachary Jernigan

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