46.9 F

Condos to be built at complex


The Cottonwood City Council has initially approved a zoning change that would allow additional development at a local apartment complex, allowing for the construction of condominiums.

The Skyline apartments are off of Main Street near 16th Street.

The developer, Sebourn, wants to convert the existing 31 apartments to condos and build an additional 43 apartments on the property as well as a currently vacant area next door.

The size of the proposed project envelops just under 5.8 acres.

Some neighbors in the area have expressed concerns over increased traffic and the potential height of the buildings.

The project has been in the works since 2013, said Scott Ellis, a planner with the Cottonwood Development Services department.

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“It’s a mixture of different use types,” Ellis said.

The developer has met with the neighbors, Ellis said, in an attempt to help address concerns.

To read the full story, see the Wednesday, Sept. 16, edition of the Cottonwood Journal Extra.

Mark Lineberger

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