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Signatures rejected in recall effort


A recall effort aimed at three members of the Camp Verde Town Council hit a snag last week when the Yavapai County Recorder’s Office struck down some of the signatures collected.

Pending an appeal from the recall effort organizers, the county’s ruling means that only Vice Mayor Bruce George will be up for recall election in November.

George was originally one of four on the council who were targeted by the recall effort, including Mayor Charlie German and Councilwomen Robin Whatley and Jessie Jones.

A political committee, Camp Verde for Good Government, organized by local resident Cheri Wischmeyer, had initiated the recall after all four voted to approve a 0.65 percent sales tax increase.

That move came after another political committee, Citizens Committed to Reducing Regulatory Burdens, had been formed and gathered enough signatures to lead the council to reverse its decision on taxing food at the town’s then-current 3 percent rate.

German was eventually dropped as a target of recall after petitioners decided that recalling the mayor would require too many signatures to be collected.

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To read the full story, see the Wednesday, July 8, edition of The Camp Verde Journal.

Mark Lineberger

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