47.5 F

Town H2O dependence evaporates


Last summer, the town of Clarkdale was forced to enact what it defines as Strategy II water restrictions.

It was the first time that the town’s staff could recall having to implement such restrictions.

The restrictions were put in place because of demand on the town’s pump at Haskell Springs.

When the temperature got warmer, demand increased to the point where the pump was working too hard to replace the water in storage.

The restrictions under Strategy I are also in effect.

“The town of Clarkdale is asking its residents and businesses to become more aware of their water use habits and determine where they can reasonably reduce their water use to ensure a long term, sufficient water supply for all of us in Clarkdale,” according to Ellen Yates, an operator with the town utilities department. “By conserving water, residents and businesses supplied by the town’s water system can do their part to limit impacts to our water production wells and to the Verde River.”

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Residents were allowed to irrigate their property, but it required a system where even-numbered addresses could irrigate on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. Odd-numbered addresses could irrigate on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

Strategy I rules also require restaurants to serve water to customers upon request only.

The use of misting devices to cool outdoor areas was also prohibited.

To read the full story, see the Wednesday, June 3, edition of the Cottonwood Journal Extra.

Mark Lineberger

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