Title tops four local girl wrestling finishes

Shane Navarro, 9, top, of Camp Verde, wrestled and won against Angelina Deitz, of Phoenix Grindhouse. at an all-girl wrestling tournament held at Camp Verde High School over the weekend. Navarro took fifth place in the 50- to 60-pound class.
Zack Garcia/Larson Newspapers

Victoria Black, a fourth-grader at Camp Verde Elementary School, pinned both of her opponents in the first round Saturday, March 7, to be the best girls wrestler in the state at her weight.

Black, daughter of Camp Verde High School assistant wrestling coach Travis Black, took down her 80- to 90-pound opponents at the All-Girls Club National Wrestling Tournament “very quickly,” he said.

“This is her third year doing this. I don’t like to brag because I’m her dad, but she has a natural athletic ability,” Black said of his 9-year-old daughter, a former Arizona Hoop Shoot champion as well. “As they get older, they tend to pick up their moves. Once they do that, they start using those moves without their coach telling them all the time.”

In what ostensibly served as the state girls wrestling championship March 7 at CVHS, Black, the tournament director, also saw Camp Verde Middle School seventh-grader Sienna Dunegan finish runner-up at 95 pounds in just her second week of competitive wrestling.

For the full story, please see the Wednesday, March 11, issue of the Camp Verde Journal.

George Werner

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