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Second SciTech fest formulated


Preparations are in the works for the second annual Verde Valley SciTech Festival, set for late March and designed to showcase science, technology, engineering and math.

The event will involve groups and organizations from across the Verde Valley, including the Verde River Valley Nature Organization, the Cottonwood police and fire department, the National Park Service, Mingus Union High School, Yavapai College and the Verde Valley Medical Center.

The Cottonwood-Oak Creek School District will also be getting involved, Cottonwood Mayor Diane Joens said.

There will be additional events at Camp Verde High School.

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The Verde River Valley Nature Organization will be holding an event Saturday, March 21, at Dead Horse Ranch State Park, with an outdoor science festival.

The focus of the festival is on things that promote education in science, technology, engineering and math, also referred to as STEM education.

“You can throw the arts in there and call it STEAM,” Joens said.

The local festival is part of a larger statewide effort.


To read the full story, see the Wednesday, Jan. 28, edition of the Cottonwood Journal Extra.

Mark Lineberger

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