62.8 F

CVMO revises operational rules


The Camp Verde Marshal’s Office is in the process of updating its procedures and operations. The update will include everything from using stop sticks to use of force.

Camp Verde Marshal Nancy Gardner said that the office was looking into the practices of accredited police departments across the state.

“These are departments that are following the best practices,” Gardner said.

Gardner has been working to bring changes to the local department since taking over the job.

Gardner officially started at the end of February 2011, replacing former Town Marshal Dave Smith, who retired at the end of 2011. Gardner was selected out of around 80 applicants for the job.

Gardner, originally from North Dakota, spent several years working for the Avondale Police Department, where she worked with the SWAT team and several other department programs. Before that, Gardner served as an officer in Gilbert.

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To read the full story, see the Wednesday, Jan. 21, edition of The Camp Verde Journal.

Mark Lineberger

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