Boy dares for a brother

Silas Gagnon, 11, of Camp Verde, is raising money to bring home his brother-to-be from Bulgaria in a most unusual way. Patrons can pay Silas to do a dare, like running around the high school track in a dress, which he will put towards funding the adoption.
Photo courtesy of Stacey Gagnon

Silas Gagnon loves his siblings. Even those he hasn’t met yet.

His newest brother-to-be is already born.

His name is Dylan and he’s a 2-year-old who was orphaned in Bulgaria because of his special needs.

Dylan’s biological parents gave him up because he was born with cerebral palsy, a disability that makes it difficult for him to develop physically and perhaps communicate.

That’s how it often is in places like Bulgaria and Eastern Europe, said Stacey Gagnon.

She is the mother of Silas and four other children, including three who were adopted and also have special needs.

Silas is in fifth grade, but he’s taken a proactive approach when it comes to bringing Dylan to his new home here in Camp Verde.

To read the full story, see the Wednesday, Dec. 10, edition of The Camp Verde Journal.

Mark Lineberger

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