Town rejects all bids for library

A hot topic concerning Camp Verde’s budget is the new public library. The current library is housed in a modest building that is rapidly being outgrown.
Zack Garcia/Larson Newspapers

The Camp Verde Town Council last week rejected all bids for the construction of a new Camp Verde Community Library.

Seven bids had been received for the project, the lowest being around $3.1 million.

The bids prompted further discussion among town leadership, Town Manager Russ Martin said, and the town approached the lowest bidder and asked them if they could wait while that discussion took place.

BEC Southwest, the Flagstaff-based company with the lowest bid, initially said they could, Martin said.

A bit later however, the company said they would need to add around $200,000 to their initial estimate and pulled its bid.

Martin told the council about the situation at its Wednesday, June 18, meeting.

For the full story, see the Wednesday, June 25, edition of The Camp Verde Journal.

Mark Lineberger

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