Music plays on a dog day afternoon

Davin Kyllingstad walks with his dog Kratos. Kyllingstad often is out and about giving one of his family’s four large mastiffs, each weighing around 200 pounds, a little bit of exercise. When Kyllingstad isn’t working or hanging out with the dogs, he’s getting his band in shape. Ideally, he said, Valley Vibrations will be on a nearby stage by this time next year.
Zack Garcia/Larson Newspapers

Davin Kyllingstad can often be spotted walking around downtown Camp Verde with a giant animal.

Kyllingstad was out and about giving one of his family’s large mastiffs a little bit of exercise.

Back at his home, there are more of the dogs. Each weigh around 200 pounds each, or there abouts.

How much food do the dogs go through?

For the full story, see the Wednesday, Feb. 19, edition of The Camp Verde Journal.

Mark Lineberger

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