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Rally promotes second amendment


A crowd of people gathered outside the Copper Star shooting range Saturday, April 27, to show their support for the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which provides the right for Americans to keep and bear arms. It also offers that a well-regulated militia is necessary for the security of a free state.

While Arizona already has some of the most gun-friendly rules in the nation, people in the crowd were there to show their support and determination to make sure that their right to firearms remains uninfringed.

Sponsored by the Arizona GOP, the Spirit of 1791 rally featured a host of speakers representing the state and local levels, including recalled Arizona State Sen. Russell Pearce [R-District 18], Yavapai County Sheriff Scott Mascher, State Rep. Brenda Barton [R-District 6], former State Sen. Lori Klein [R-District 6], and State Rep. Bob Thorpe [R-District 6] and others.

“The Second Amendment is the first line of defense,” Klein said. “They say there should be a revolution every 20 years? Well, we’re about 200 years overdue. We need to say hell no and no more.”

For the full story, see the Wednesday, May 1, edition of The Camp Verde Journal or the Cottonwood Journal Extra.

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Mark Lineberger

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