56.8 F

Camp Verde pushes sewer grab


The Town of Camp Verde is moving forward with efforts to potentially take effective control of the Camp Verde Sanitary District if the voters give the green light.

After a 5-2 vote of the Camp Verde Town Council on Wednesday, Dec. 5, the town is planning to send a letter to the sanitary district formally indicating a willingness to take the district under a trusteeship.

Councilwomen Carol German and Jackie Baker voted against sending the district a letter.

The voters of both the town and the district would have to say “yes.” The town is sending the letter because the sanitary district has to initiate the process.

Town Manager Russ Martin said if things move along, the issue could be put before voters in January.

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If the town does take control of the district, Martin said there is a chance it could cost the town some money.

“We’re looking at about $100,000 that we would not be able to cover that is currently covered by their voters,” Martin said.

If the measure were approved, the borders of the district would expand to match those of the town and those not receiving sewer service would not have to pay for monthly operations.

Residents of the district would still be responsible for paying for the debt already incurred by the district.

Residents who would find themselves suddenly in an expanded sanitary district would not be responsible for paying the debt obtained by the district before a possible merger takes place.

Councilman Bob Kovacovich said it was important voters realize this.

“People may think they are suddenly going to be paying for a sewer when they weren’t in the district,” Kovacovich said.

For the full story, see the Wednesday, Dec. 12, edition of The Camp Verde Journal.

Mark Lineberger

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