43.9 F

Gay Pride event packs park


Hundreds of people flocked to Old Town Cottonwood on Saturday, Sept. 29 for the annual Sedona-Verde Valley Pride Festival.

While this was the fourth year for the event, which celebrates the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community, it was the first year that Cottonwood has played host to the festival.

Greg Luckey, president of Sedona-Verde Valley Pride, said the event opened the gates of the park at 11 a.m. and that things had been going “extremely well.”

“The site turned out perfect,” Luckey said. “Cottonwood has been great to work with.”

Luckey said the group turned to Cottonwood to hold the festival because of the availability of the venue.

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“Parking in Sedona is difficult,” Luckey said.

The festival was preceded Friday by a local pub crawl. Several people did later end up in Sedona for an afterparty followed by a planned film screening on Sunday.

Luckey pointed around to many of the booths set up around the festival, including food, vendors and informational tents.

For the full story, see the Wednesday, Oct. 3, edition of the Cottonwood Journal Extra or the Friday, Oct. 5, edition of the Sedona Red Rock News

Mark Lineberger

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