Tell us which stories you want to see on pages of our paper

In every issue of The Camp Verde Journal, we bring you stories about the town, fire districts and the lives of your neighbors.

Some of those stories come from a meeting agenda, others simply happen and we are there to cover them, but sometimes it’s our readers who bring the ideas to us.

Our reporters and photographer do a good job of searching the community for stories we feel will interest our readers, but despite their best efforts, they can’t sniff out every good one without a little help.

We are calling on the community to help us tell the stories of Camp Verde and the Verde Valley.

Have you noticed something new or unusual while driving local streets?

Does your quiet, humble neighbor have a past so interesting it could become a book or even a blockbuster film?

Did you notice a random act of kindness or recognize an individual who goes above and beyond to help others and the community?

We need you to be our eyes and ears when we can’t be around.

By working together, we can reveal the various flavors of the area

We know there are endless stories to be told, and we can’t possibly tell them all. But we’re sure going to try.

The best way to share a story suggestion with us is to email me at

Include in the email your name and contact information, and a brief description of your idea. I will review these and assign them to the appropriate writer.

We will also soon be incorporating a system for people who prefer to stop by or aren’t computer savvy.

There will be a form available at the front desk individuals can fill out, and it will be passed on to me or a reporter.

You are welcome to call; however, I can’t always answer the phone due to deadlines. If you stop by and don’t have an appointment, it’s also hard for me to break away from what I’m doing.

Our staff is on deadline every morning until at least noon and every Friday afternoon from 2 p.m. until we go home.

Many people don’t realize we produce four newspapers and an entertainment tab — two issues of the Sedona Red Rock News, and one issue each of The Camp Verde Journal, Cottonwood Journal Extra and The Scene. So, even if the Journal hit the stands the day before, it doesn’t mean things have slowed in the newsroom.

We invite and encourage readers to share with us what they want to see printed on the pages of our newspaper.

Trista Steers MacVittie

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