47.8 F

ADOT paves SR 260 in Camp Verde next week


The Arizona Department of Transportation will close lanes on a five-mile segment of State Route 260 east and west of Interstate 17 in Camp Verde 17 from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday, Sept. 26, through Wednesday, Sept. 28.

ADOT crews will apply rejuvenating oil to the roadway to protect and preserve the pavement.

The four-lane segment of SR 260 will be restricted to one lane each direction. A wide load restriction will be in effect and drivers can expect up to 10-minute delays.

ADOT advises drivers to proceed through the work zone with caution, slow down, and be alert for construction equipment and personnel.

For more information about this project, please contact Prescott District Senior Community Relations Officer Tricia Lewis, at 928-606-2420 or tlewis@azdot.gov.

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Visit www.facebook.com/azdot or www.azdot.gov for more information about ADOT.

For more information about ADOT projects and programs across Arizona see the agency’s latest blog posts at http://adotblog.blogspot.com.

Staff Reporter

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