53.5 F

Town hosts open house


If you’ve ever wondered exactly what it is Town of Camp Verde employees do all day and how they put your sales tax money to use, then you’ll want to go to Town Hall on Main Street this Wednesday, Aug. 10.

The town is hosting an open house as a public kickoff to its efforts to revise the town’s capital improvements plan, a road map of sorts that lays out what the town wants to accomplish.

“We’re going to have town equipment out by Rio Verde Plaza,” Town Manager Russ Martin said, referring to the former shopping complex owned by the town. Originally slated for demolition, the town has preliminary plans to possibly turn the building into needed office space.

Martin said the event is going to be informal, but every town department will be represented to meet with the public and answer any questions.

“Our goal is to educate the public about what we do,” Martin said. “If there’s anyone who’s ever been curious about something and didn’t understand it, this is an opportunity to come and find out.”

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The town will also be taking comments and suggestions on future projects the public would like to see, Martin said.

The open house is scheduled to run from 6 to 8 p.m., but Martin said no one has to show up at any exact time.

The town is also planning a volunteer fair as an effort to connect organizations in the community that need volunteers with people who may be looking for an opportunity to do just that.

The fair is set to run from 4 to 8 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 15, in the town gymnasium off of Hollamon Street.

Several different agencies will be on hand, including the Camp Verde Marshal’s Office VIP program, the town animal shelter, Camp Verde Promotions, the Camp Verde Historical Society, the Yavapai-Apache Nation, the Camp Verde Senior Center, the Camp Verde Archaeological Center, the U.S. Forest Service, Verde Valley Caregivers, the Camp Verde Adult Reading Program, the Camp Verde Chamber of Commerce, the Camp Verde Unified School District, Fort Verde State Historic Park, Rainbow Acres and the Camp Verde Arts Council.

Organizations will have booths, along with games, refreshments and door prizes.

In a recent report, Martin wrote the fair could help “reenergize volunteering in this community.”

Call 567-6631, ext. 106, by 5 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 11.{jcomments on}

Mark Lineberger

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