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Leadership group demonstrates how to help community


Delight and appreciation spread across the faces of A Woman’s World residents when they received new personal items last week.

Residents found the basics tucked in a laundry basket — towels, shampoo, lotion — along with one special gift — a handmade quilt.

Verde Valley Leadership’s Class IV presented the items to the women in a ceremony in the Woman’s World unit at the Verde Valley Guidance Clinic on June 14. Each class of the leadership program selects a project to complete in its second year.

The members of Class IV were moved by the story of A Woman’s Way and decided they wanted to make the women’s lives a little bit brighter.

A Woman’s World is a safe place for women with co-occurring disorders to get help. Staff members treat women who are seriously mentally ill who also suffer from addiction to drugs or alcohol. The women live on-site.

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The leadership program strives to promote community in the sense of creating awareness and involvement. Class IV’s project embodies the core mission and values of the program.

The women at A Woman’s Way are an important part of our community, and while they may have stumbled during their journey, it’s important for the rest of the community to support them in their recovery.

The leaders in Class IV stepped up to the challenge committing to making the lives of those who are struggling a little bit easier.

Not only will the items purchased or donated to the women help in their daily lives, but the example set by the leadership group will have a lasting effect.

The women see when they were in need, somebody stepped in to help, thinking not about themselves but about the community as a whole.

It’s important for all of us to find a way to contribute to our communities, whether it’s on a large scale, such as participating in the Verde Valley Leadership program, or a smaller scale — volunteering at a nonprofit every month.

A community is only as strong as its weakest individual. In order to strengthen any community, the strong must be willing to help those who are struggling.

Trista Steers MacVittie

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