49.5 F

Sporting goods chain may build


Big 5 Sporting Goods, a sports retailer with nearly 400 locations across the western United States could be coming to Cottonwood if city planners and developers can reach agreement on a design for the store.

The city was also scheduled to present a plan for renovation of the historic Cottonwood Jail in Old Town during the commission’s regular Dec. 20 meeting, but will instead present at the next meeting Monday, Jan. 24.

On Dec. 20, the commission asked promoters of the Big 5 Sporting Goods store to consider making changes to its initial plans, including additional treatment to the front of the building, which would be located in the 700 block of South Main Street.

If the project moves ahead as planned, the 10,500-square-foot store would be built on a 0.8-acre section of land where property owner Steve Coury formerly operated a retail car lot.

Coury signed a contract with Avalon Investments, a Phoenix developer, to sell the property where the store is to built. Avalon will build the store and then lease the developed property to Big 5, according to Community Development Director George Gehlert.

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Gehlert said the city would also like to see changes to the layout of the new store, which includes plans for a front yard parking lot, but no rear access.

“We would like to know more about this front yard parking area,” Gehlert said. “One of the things we’re trying to change is the corridor lines. We’d like to bring buildings up close to the street to make it more lively and pedestrian-oriented.”

A second, rear access would allow vehicles to leave the store without turning onto South Main Street, Gehlert said.

Phoenix Design Group, the architect for the project, is expected to respond to the commission’s concerns at its next meeting Jan. 24 in Cottonwood City Council chambers, 826 N. Main St.

The jail is located in the 1100 block of North Main Street.

The project includes the addition of an exterior wrap-around patio and various other interior and exterior revisions, including a new roof.

The city plans to spend between $60,000 and $70,000, City Manager Doug Bartosh said.

Working in conjunction with Old Town Association, the city is hoping to find a tenant for the renovated building that complements the nearby Verde River greenway and disc golf course, Bartosh said.

Details of the city’s plans for the jail are expected to be presented at the commission meeting Jan. 24.

Kyle Larson

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