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CV Town Council: Include our trails in plan


A group of trail advocates and representatives of several agencies throughout the Verde Valley got together in 2004 with the idea of creating a master trail plan for the area, tying the trails in the Yavapai County together.

A draft of that plan was released for public review earlier in the year under the name the Verde Valley Regional Trails Concept Plan.

Overall, the group’s goal is to promote and protect the area’s non-motorized trails, and overall, that’s something the Camp Verde Town Council supports.

The Town Council is concerned, however, with making sure Camp Verde-area trails are included in the plan.

Councilwoman Norma Garrison said she had been told the town’s trail maps couldn’t be added to the plan, because the town staff member who represented the town in the planning process had quit and no replacement had been named.

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The reason Garrison said she was given is the group “didn’t know who to contact” about finding a replacement.

However, the town’s maps are ready, and Garrison doesn’t understand why they can’t be inserted, especially in a document that’s still in the draft phase.

Town Manager Russ Martin said he contacted some of the people involved and believes he made the town’s viewpoint very clear.

“We’ll be actively participating at the table,” Martin said. “I think it’s been straightened out.”
Martin said if he doesn’t have the schedule to be personally involved in the process, there are other people who work for the town who can be. He is fairly confident the document will continue to be treated as a work-in-progress, and it should be able to be altered as needed.

Councilwoman Jackie Baker asked if a council member could represent the town in order to take the burden off of the town’s staff.

Councilwoman Robin Whatley said she had asked the same question and was told representatives had to be town employees.
Mayor Bob Burnside said there were many knowledgeable people in Camp Verde with a wealth of information about local trails.
“Whoever represents the community will be there to help,” Burnside said.

The council went on to unanimously approve the intent of the plan with an official letter, while not officially approving the plan as it now.

Mark Lineberger

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