47.5 F

Town discusses tribal funding


The Camp Verde Town Council will discuss this week what it would like the Yavapai-Apache Nation to help fund, thanks to money the tribe shares with local governments because of a law passed in 2002.

In the past, the Nation has helped fund recreation programs including the town pool, summer recreation programs and money for the town’s library.

The money comes from gaming revenue.

The Yavapai-Apache Nation is under no obligation to fund a particular program or project; the funding was a source of controversy last year as various governments with tightening budgets argued about for they should be allowed to spend the tribal money.

Each government must submit a request for funding to be considered by the tribal council.

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According to a letter sent to the town on behalf of YAN Chairman David Kwail, requests for funding must be sent to the tribal council by Friday, Dec. 31, for the funds to be distributed by Monday, Jan. 31.

In other business, the council will:

  • consider supporting the Yavapai County Verde Valley Regional Trails Concept Plan.

    The council isn’t, as of yet, entering into an agreement to support the ultimate plan, rather reaffirming its ultimate goal of approving an eventual plan that improves trails in the region. According to the town clerk’s office, several public comments have been received since the town started to discuss this plan. The council wants to discuss the impact people who have no concern for the land have on it, among other things, before any agreement is signed.

  • discuss its hazard mitigation plan to optimize local response to potential disasters.
  • hear a presentation about contributing to the state’s centennial celebration in 2012.

The Town Council meets at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 1, Room 106, 473. S. Main St.

Mark Lineberger

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