Another election season comes to end with negativity intact

Another election season has finally come to an end, and for some, it couldn’t have come quick enough.

Arizonans were bombarded with negative campaigning as candidates seemed more concerned with pointing out all the bad attributes of their opponents than telling voters what they planned to do for us.

I, for one, am more interested in learning candidates’ positions on issues facing our state and communities than learning about their personal lives from their opponent.

Waging war against an opponent rather than reaching out to voters seems to be the chosen mode of campaigning, however.

The hardest part for voters is determining who or what to believe.

Each camp claims to be telling the truth about budgets, laws and spending but how does a voter know who’s right when everyone will swear their facts are accurate?

Oftentimes two candidates are both technically right, but they are looking at the same facts and figures in different contexts.

The good news is we’ve made it through another round of mudslinging as election day, Tuesday, Nov. 2, came and went.

Now, we’ll get a break from the bombardment and hopefully elected officials can go back to doing their jobs rather than raking each other over the coals.

I’d like to think maybe it will get better in the future, but campaign trends don’t seem to be headed anywhere but further down the negativity highway.

A candidate who takes the high road and abstains from negative campaign might be just what voters want to see come next election season.

Trista Steers MacVittie

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